My baby Babycakes

My baby Babycakes
My baby Babycakes

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Surgery complete

This is Lara's dad adding a late update. She started surgery at 7:30 AM and we were notified at approx 5:30 PM that she was now in TICU. The surgeon spoke with us about 6:30 and we finally got in to see her at about 9PM. She had a fairly rough time of it and was not too awake but knew we were there. She can reveal detail that she chooses when she feels up to it but the surgeon said she will have a good chance of being much better.


  1. Thank you so much for letting us know!!! We love Lara so much and she was on our minds so heavily yesterday. We'll keep praying for her.

  2. Hi Al & Lisa Tell Lara I am thinking of her
