My baby Babycakes

My baby Babycakes
My baby Babycakes

Saturday, December 4, 2010

crisis day yesterday

My latest crisis: nurse/assistant from my  surgeon's called yesterday at 5pm to tell me he insisted on pushing surgery to the following week, I kinda freaked out and cried then she talked to him and he agreed to keep the surgery on 21st if I agreed to have his Jr. partner watch over me over Christmas. I did of course, we have tooooo many plans set to change anything, I'm coming all the way across the state!  It may not be ideal but i guess it will all work out. I also have to go get a stent placed by ERCP in the next week or so, down at Jefferson in Philly. That's gonna suck but I've been feeling sick most days lately, am so worried about everything and having too many things get in my way.  An ERCP often causes a pancreatitis flare up in folks with CP.  It's caused them for many ERCPs.  

Also, I've been mostly in bed the last 2 days, and woke late yesterday afternoon to discover Babycakes had peed on my dirty laundry in the closet.  Then found the door to her litter box had gotten shut, I probably did it (well, had to, she doesn't shut doors) but don't know when and she was bugging me a lot but I just thought she wanted more (new) food in her already filled bowl, like usual.  I'm really frustrated because its really my fault, I normally scoop out the litter every single day.  She's only peed before when the litter wasn't clean.  Simple solution to just keep the litter clean, right?  I suppose I have to get out of bed every day for that to work.  Anyway, all laundry was washed twice, 2nd time with Clorox 2 and it seems all smell is gone, but I still may just get rid of some older stuff. Also, there is now a big rock (from Belfast, Maine) in the door to her litter box, it can't get shut accidentally anymore.

After most of this calmed down, still running to the laundry room, my friend Paul came over and we went to Zern's, an indoor flea market.  Was good to just get out for a while, even tho I was really over-heated, I often am lately from the narcotics and/or pain,  and there were too many smells there-cooked food, raw food, produce, etc.  Just took a Zofran and kept going.  I'll go back there soon for some produce, its good there and some local and its cheap.  We came back to my place to watch a documentary, one few channels I have on my antenna TV is all documentaries.  It was about the Gerson Institute and therapy which is mostly about healing with nourishment, vitamins and minerals.  It is mainly taught and used to cancer and chronic illnesses, without drugs and mega-doses of vitamins and minerals and raw and  organic food.  It all sounds wonderful if I had the $500 to take the course offered, buy and keep organic foods, and constantly juice and prepare my own food.  They also talked a lot about the health care system and pharmaceutical companies denying or not trying this method because it so easy and inexpensive I but then their workshops, therapy and information is so very expensive and not covered by any insurance. I do take many supplements but they only do so much and I do wish to improve my diet but just have issues with food right now. 

So I'll end on that (as I have a Diet Coke and vitamins for breakfast) and leave with a tip: check out what Gerson therapy is about for yourself, especially if you have a chronic illness or cancer or know someone who does.  They also use this method for extreme weight loss.  I can't recommend their course or therapy (where you go to a treatment center) because I don't know enough about it, and its very expensive.  I believe it makes a lot of sense though, and if you did enough research on your own or with a natural healer you could follow a lot of their ideas. 

Wikipedia article about Dr. Max Gerson 

1 comment:

  1. Aw,sweetie....I'm so sorry you've been feeling so bad. I know how awful that is both physically and psychologically. The narcotics are a problem in and of themselves. I'm so glad you got the scheduling issue taken care of....and the whole litter box issue...we've all done that before...its okay. :-) Love you!
