My baby Babycakes

My baby Babycakes
My baby Babycakes

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Article from Psych Central

This is just a very good article about suicide I read today.   Most of the words could be my own, and I certainly don't want to scare anyone, just passing this along.  I lost one good friend to suicide, another has had too many close calls and I'll admit to having suicidal thoughts in my past.  Ironically, I was more depressed and had suicidal thoughts more often before I got sick with pancreatitis.  Since being so ill I believe I've just fought so hard to maintain my life that there is no way I'd give up now.  That doesn't keep the idea of it from creeping in now and then, but no matter how down I get about this damn disease, I know I'll not end my own life.  So just take a look:

Suicide is Not Painless~from Psych Central 

I love this painting and the story of the Sirens trying to lure Jason and the Argonauts to their death on a rocky shore.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, wow, Lara. You know, since I've been basically bed-ridden for the past few months, my mind has been playing tricks on me. I've had lots of dark thoughts of being useless, a burden, a bore...etc. The devil is messing with my head. I'm just sooo tired of all this....but I can't leave my children. Its been so hard on them just to watch this disease...I feel so bad for them. Thanks for posting this. :-)
